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Physics: Articles


This is a list of every journal with the word "physics" in the title to which the library has access. When you find a title you're interested in, click it to view which database carries it. Follow that link to get a full list of articles available from that publication. It's that simple!


Or, go directly to some Physics-rich databases with the instructions below.

ProQuest Direct

For Proquest Direct, we've pre-selected search portals that will return results only relevant to their subject areas.


Like other science programs at Manhattanville, your scholarly research will likely be best serviced by ScienceDirect. The Physics & Astronomy domain has been selected to help improve your search.

Academic Search Premier

Using Academic Search Premier's subject term thesaurus, you can construct a search by adding relevant terms to your string to get a more precise view of the literature you're researching.



Try it out by clicking a subject you're curious about. Then, click 'add' and select 'AND' from the drop-down menu. You'll notice the terms you picked have been added to the search bar. (You can 'add' as many terms as you want to your string.) After you click 'search' you'll get a list of results relevant to those subjects.


Here are some of the searches we've constructed for you.