3 Possible Ways to Access and Read an Article Found on Google Scholar
1. On Campus
Look for Full Text @ Mville in Google results when on campus where article in full text is linked to an AU database
2. Off Campus--Set up your own computer to Full Text @Mville
Once you indicate your library (Manhattanville), Google works to determine which journals and papers the library subscribes to electronically, and then links to articles from those sources when they're available.
Follow these steps:
3. ILL--Cannot find the article in Full-Text at Google Scholar or at Manhattanville?
Use the citation and order it though ILL > Inter-Library Loan.
Members of the Manhattanville community can access full-text articles from Manhattanville's databases from off-campus by setting up their Preferences. Start by going to Settings. For step-by-step instructions, select the document below.
This Guide was adapted from a Guide created by Kathy Fester, Aldephi University Libraries. Kathy Fester provided permission to adapt this guide. My thanks and appreciation. http://libguides.adelphi.edu/content.php?pid=364890