Select the link for the publications to browse or search within the specific journal.
This video provides information about locating and accessing databases from off-campus from the Manhattanville University Library. Created May 31, 2023 by Paula Moskowitz.
Video link:
Begin your research in Proquest Education. Proquest Education includes many relevant databases including the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Here are some recommended education "go to" databases to begin your research with. For a more complete list, check out the box labeled "Core Education Databases."
Remember to search Google Scholar and set your Preferences under Settings to Manhattanville
Use Google Scholar to find scholarly sources. Google Scholar is a convenient way to search across multiple databases simultaneously. Look for the FullText@Mville links to locate availability in our Manhattanville University subscription databases. From off-campus, set Scholar Preferences to use Manhattanville as your library before searching.
This 3-minute video provides instructions on how to use Google Scholar and how to set preferences for searching library databases. Created March 2020.
Click on the link Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis:
Select the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Collection: Proquest Central
View the video for step by step instructions.
Database Login Instructions
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Purchase, NY 10577