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Applied Behavior Analysis: Find Books

Provides useful information on conducting research on Applied Behavior Analysis

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Library of Congress: Psychology

Distribution of Psychology-Relevant Materials throughout the Library in the Library of Congress Classification System


Library of Congress Class                  Subject Area


RC512-571                                         Abnormal psychology and psychiatric disorders

BF636-637                                          Applied psychology

Q334-336                                            Artificial intelligence

BF721-723                                          Child psychology

BF311                                                 Cognition

BF660-678                                          Comparative psychology

LB1051-1091                                      Educational psychology

TA167                                                 Human factors

HQ503-1064                                       Family (social groups)

HF5548.8                                            Industrial psychology

BF501-504                                          Motivation

BF1001-1999                                      Parapsychology and the occult

BF231-299                                          Perception

BF698                                                 Personality

HF5549                                               Personnel management

QP351-495                                         Physiological psychology

HV689                                                 Psychiatric social work

RC435-510                                         Psychotherapy and psychiatry

BF455-463                                          Psycholinguistics (psychology of language)

BF231-299                                          Sensory perception

QA278                                                 Statistics (correlation psychometrics)

BF237                                                             Psychometrics

BF237                                                 Psychophysics

RC475-510                                         Psychotherapy

HM251-291                                         Social psychology

LC4601-4803                                      Special education (mentally handicapped &
                                                                                          learning children)

HQ1206-1216                                     Women, psychology of

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