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New Technology: November 2020

These platforms will help you collaborate, present, and share your work with students, professors, and colleagues. Everything here is free to use. If you need help with a technology, feel free to drop us a line.

Welcome is a web extension that allows users to mark up web pages with their own notes.


Imagine finding a bunch of your research online and not being able to print it out. How are you going to do your highlighting, or make notes in the margins?


Now, what if you needed to pass that research to a classmate, or a colleague, with notes intact?


No problem! allows you to annotate the web and share your annotations with other users. (It works on PDFs and ePub, too.)


Go start your free account and install the Chrome extension -- then, return to this page to see our own annotations.

Research Consultation

By the time this page is live, we will be past mid-terms.


That will put us in the thick of the heavy research period! Set up a consultation request with one of the librarians to meet with you on Zoom or teams to discuss your assignments and help you gather information. Or, just hit that big red button below to meet with me, the Online Services Librarian.

Have you used Padlet, yet? It's another web-based collaborative space that allows you to gather notes, research, images, videos, sounds -- almost anything you can find online -- and overlay it on different types of backgrounds to help you keep it all organized.


Personally, I like to make a game out of just about anything. Here's my map of the world with the one place I can't wait to travel to after COVID-19 is under control. Feel free to search your dream vacation spot and drop it on the map, too.

Made with Padlet

We're right there with you.

My Research Padlet

I've managed to integrate Padlet and in my own research, taking advantage of the mixed content mounting available in all Padlet formats. This here is a "grid-style" Padlet where I've uploaded some of the PDFs and articles about John L. Esposito's research on Islam.

Made with Padlet