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New Technology: October 2020

These platforms will help you collaborate, present, and share your work with students, professors, and colleagues. Everything here is free to use. If you need help with a technology, feel free to drop us a line.


Welcome, Valiant!


This guide will help orient you to technologies that you'll be called upon (OR you will call others upon) to use in and out of the classroom.


This guide will be updated monthly with new collaborative, instructional, and creative technologies that will assist you in your time at Manhattanville.


Your Online Classes

There's a couple of different ways that your Online Classes could be delivered, so take some time to familiarize yourself with these platforms.

Zoom logo - Zoom Blog

You know it, it's a verb now. Zoom does just about everything that can be done in a classroom platform. A moderator can welcome guests in or leave them in the waiting room, sessions can be recorded, and smaller discussions can be conducted in breakout rooms. Screen sharing, file sharing? Absolutely.

Microsoft Teams Review | PCMag

Microsoft Teams is part of the same suite as Word, Excel and OneDrive. If that wasn't convenient enough, it also supports the same file and screen sharing capabilities as Zoom, as well as a robust chat interface. And if one of your collaborators is someone you haven't met yet, you can look them up in the search bar and say hi.

Blackboard Collaborate - IDEA Toolbox

Your assignments and syllabi are already up on Blackboard, and now your classes are there, too. As you can imagine, Collaborate Ultra integrates with Blackboard the best. Plus you get file sharing, screen sharing, breakout rooms, and recordable classroom sessions, just like with Zoom. 


So, you got thrown into distance learning and all of a sudden your professors and colleagues are throwing around all these terms that you've never heard before.


We're here to help.


Asychronous Classes that are fully online and are delivered via non-live instructions -- pre-recorded videos of lectures.
Blended Classes that are fully online but have both live and non-live components.
Hybrid Classes that are part online, part in-person -- you must come in for some class sessions!
Hyflex Classes that can be attended online or in-person -- you may come in for some class sessions!
Learning Management System Blackboard! Sometimes abbreviated 'LMS'. Blackboard is the only LMS in use at Manhattanville, so whenever you hear someone use this term, that's what they mean.
Synchronous Classes are live and online -- held via Zoom or Teams call at a predetermined schedule. (Like a regular class.) 



How are you feeling about your online classrooms, so far? You could help us out by clicking on the page below and dropping us a note about the pro's and con's of Teams, Zoom, and Collaborate Ultra.


This platform is called Mural, and it makes collaborating remotely on projects a breeze. It offers dozens of templates to track the evolution of your team's work and ideas.

Pro's and Con's of the Online Classrooms by Timothy Conley-Abrams

You will be able to edit this mural.

High Fidelity

Here's our Beta test version of High Fidelity, a meeting room app with spatialized audio. Put on some headphones and try it out the next time you meet up with a friend, colleague, or classmate and you're all Zoom'd out. 

Thanks, Nick!