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EdD in Educational Leadership: Formatting Mechanics

This EdD in Educational Leadership Libguide lists various helpful information sources and resources for students, faculty, and staff in the doctoral program at Manhattanville University. Click on a tab below to access information within that topic area.

Tips Tricks APA7 Citations

Video Link: This video is designed to provide you with tips and tricks for creating your citations for your References. It will give you some Word shortcuts to help create proper APA 7th citations.

How to Create an APA Style Appendix

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.  

Section 2.14 Appendices (pp. 41-42)

Section 2.17 Order of Pages (p. 43)

Section 2.24 Paragraph Indentation (pp. 45-46)

Section 7.6 Placement of Tables (p. 198)

How to do Appendices in APA 7 Brent Ward August 11, 2021 (7.00 minute video) Video Link:

Table of Contents

According to Microsoft: "A table of contents in Word is based on the headings in your document" and "missing entries often happen because headings aren't formatted as headings."

Instructional Technology Request Form

How to add Roman and Arabic page numbers in Word | With no page number on title page

How to add Roman and Arabic page numbers in Word | With no page number on title page (4.20 minutes) This video will show you how to add Roman numerals as page numbers to a section of a Microsoft Word document and add page numbers using Arabic numerals to another section. You can also set it up in such a way so that no page number shows up on your title or cover page. Link: (4.21 minutes)
Word for Dissertations: Adding Page Numbers (University of Michigan) (3.55 minutes) Link: