This on-line sports skills instructional video library has been created by Professor Stephen Maletz and Lynda Hanley, Doctoral Education Librarian, to assist you with your student/supervised teaching experience. This video resource library will be helpful as you plan, prepare, and implement lessons for your students. There are 23 "tabs" each one focusing on a different sport. When you click on an individual red tab, you will be taken to a page listing Prof. Maletz's recommended videos for that sport. Click on the blue, title of the video, link to open an individual video. If at anytime you click on a video link and the link is broken or the page is no longer accessible, please let me know.
My thank you and appreciation to Khalea Baker, Library Student Worker, for her able and excellent assistance with the creation of this Library Guide and especially to my friend and colleague, Lynda Hanley.
Paula Moskowitz
Manhattanville University Library