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EdD in Educational Leadership: Quantitative and Qualitative Search Strategy

This EdD in Educational Leadership Libguide lists various helpful information sources and resources for students, faculty, and staff in the doctoral program at Manhattanville University. Click on a tab below to access information within that topic area.

Qualitative Keywords for Searching

Qualitative research usually contains descriptive judgment words based on observable experiments, behavior, or studies.

 Words to add to keyword searches that may help identify the study as qualitative:

• phenomenology (or phenomenological)

• “lived experience”

• “grounded theory”

• “life experience”

• experience

 • “focus group”

• interview

• “case study”

 • ethnography (or ethnographic)

• narrative

• observation/observing/observe

• ethic/ethical

• credible/credibility/trustworthy/trustworthiness

 • “content analysis”

• participant

• discourse analysis



Qualitative and quantitative keywords for searching. (n.d.) Tennessee Tech University.

Quantitative Keywords for Searching

Quantitative research usually consists of gathering and statistically analyzing information measured by instruments, not people, and is quantifiable numerically.

 Words to add to keyword searches that may help identify the study as quantitative:

 • correlation

• empirical research

• experiment

 • hypothesis

• reliability

• sample

• validity

• variable/variance/variation

• Chi-Square test

• analysis of variance

• confidence intervals

• statistic/statistically

• distribution

• validation

• mathematical


• trial/clinical trial

• randomized

• controlled

• survey



Qualitative and quantitative keywords for searching. (n.d.) Tennessee Tech University.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research



cannot be counted numerically

can be counted numerically, quantifiable

focuses on description of qualities over measurement

focuses on measurement over description 

often takes place in a naturalistic environment 

often takes place in a controlled environment 

does not employ statistical analysis 

employs statistical analysis 

Examples: focus groups, interviews, open-ended surveys 

(unstructured responses)

Examples: close-ended surveys, data analysis

(structured responses) 


Quantitative vs Qualitative. (2024). Finding Quantitative and Qualitative Research Libguide. University of Mount Olive.