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Education Resources: Find Articles

This education Libguide lists various information sources and resources for students, faculty, and staff in the School of Education. Click on a red tab below to access information within that topic area.

  Off-Campus Database Access

Authentication Page Screen shot Enter last name and First Initial and Mville Password

Database Login Instructions

  • Click on the database you would like to use 
  • The login page will open asking for your username and password:
    Enter your Mville username and password.
    Once you are authenticated, you can use any database until you restart your browser
  • If you are unable to log in, please submit an IT ticket .


Locating a Specific Journal or Magazine (Journals A-Z)

Use Journals A-Z to find full-text coverage for journals, magazines, or newspapers that we subscribe to.

Inter-Library Loan

4.39 minute video This video provides step by step directions on how to submit a interlibrary loan/ILLIAD request for a journal article.


How to Search the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (Revised Oct. 2021)

Link to video:

Click on the link Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis:
Select the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Collection: Proquest Central

View the video for step by step instructions.



Directory of Open Access Journals

Searching Library Databases from Off-Campus

This video provides information about locating and accessing databases from off-campus from the Manhattanville University Library. Created May 31, 2023 by Paula Moskowitz.
Video link:

Go to Education Databases

 Here are some recommended education "go to" databases to begin your research with. For a more complete list, check out the box labeled "Core Education Databases."

Remember to search Google Scholar and set your Preferences under Settings to Manhattanville

Core Education Databases

Need to find scholarly journal, magazine, or newspaper articles on your topic? Search one of these databases. Important educational databases are listed below in alphabetical order or can be found in our list of education databases from the library homepage.  

Because you are off campus, you will be asked to authenticate your status as a Manhattanville student by typing your Mville username and password. 

Google Scholar Search & Library Links

Use Google Scholar to find scholarly sources.  Google Scholar is a convenient way to search across multiple databases simultaneously.  Look for the FullText@Mville links to locate availability in our Manhattanville University subscription databases. From off-campus, set Scholar Preferences to use Manhattanville as your library before searching.

Google Scholar Search
Link to video:

This 3-minute video provides instructions on how to use Google Scholar and how to set preferences for searching library databases. Created March 2020.

Locating Recent Sources/Journals

(3.24 Minute Video) Video Link: This tutorial provides several strategies for locating recent sources and how to update a particular source.

Research Worksheet

Use this Worksheet to help you get started and focus your research.

Representing Evaluation in Your Writing

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Paula Moskowitz
Manhatttanville University Library
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577

Single Case Design (Research Articles)