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College Writing Library Guide: Evaluating News Stories

A guide for students in College Writing I and College Writing II

News Poll-How Do You Get Your News?

What is your preferred platform for getting news?
computer: 0 votes (0%)
mobile phone: 0 votes (0%)
iPad: 0 votes (0%)
television: 0 votes (0%)
radio: 0 votes (0%)
print: 0 votes (0%)
family/friends: 0 votes (0%)
other: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
Where do you get your news from? Choose the medium(s) that you use most.
television: 0 votes (0%)
radio: 0 votes (0%)
print: 0 votes (0%)
Facebook: 0 votes (0%)
X (formerly Twitter): 0 votes (0%)
Snapchat: 0 votes (0%)
What'sApp: 0 votes (0%)
TikTok: 0 votes (0%)
newsfeed on phone: 0 votes (0%)
other: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
Do you think your main source of news provides you with objective and unbiased reports?
Yes: 0 votes (0%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Maybe: 0 votes (0%)
I don't know: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
Has anyone ever shared a news story with you that you felt was questionable or fake?
Yes: 13 votes (92.86%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Maybe: 1 votes (7.14%)
Total Votes: 14
Have you ever shared a news story that was questionable or fake?
Yes: 0 votes (0%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Maybe: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0


"Disinformation refers to the purposeful use of false information to deliberately deceive others. 

Misinformation is false or misleading information spread without specific intent to deceive. Those spreading misinformation may mistakenly believe it to be the truth, or simply may not care one way" 

Shapiro, Jacob N. and Sean Norton. “Why Scholars Should Stop Studying ‘Misinformation.’”

The Chronicle of Higher Education 10 Sept. 2024,

How to choose your news - Damon Brown (4.48 minute video)

With the advent of the Internet and social media, news is distributed at an incredible rate by an unprecedented number of different media outlets. How do we choose which news to consume? Damon Brown gives the inside scoop on how the opinions and facts (and sometimes non-facts) make their way into the news and how the smart reader can tell them apart. Link:

Be a Fact-Checker

  • Fact-checking websites can help you investigate claims to help you determine whether what you hear or read is true. These resources can help you determine the legitimacy of a claim. They can also help you determine if a site is legitimate. 
  • You can practice lateral reading, like a fact checker.  Google the site, open up multiple tabs, read several different sources about the information or site in question.
  • However, even fact-checking websites should be examined critically.

Use these Fact Checkers to investigate the credibility of news media:

All Sides Media Bias Chart

AllSides Media Bias Chart Left sources to right-wing sources

Interactive Media Bias Chart

Interactive Media Bias Chart

Ad Fontes Media, Inc., is a public benefit corporation founded in 2018. The mission of Ad Fontes Media is to rate all the news to positively transform society.

Click on the link for the most current Media Bias Chart

Misinformation and the Middle East October 2023

How to Spot Fake News and Be a Fact-Checker

How to Spot Fake News from (3.23 minute video)

Evaluation Tips

magnifying glass with the text focus on quality

Evaluation Tips

"Disinformation refers to the purposeful use of false information to deliberately deceive others. Misinformation is false or misleading information spread without specific intent to deceive. Those spreading misinformation may mistakenly believe it to be the truth, or simply may not care one way" 

Shapiro, Jacob N. and Sean Norton. “Why Scholars Should Stop Studying ‘Misinformation.’”

The Chronicle of Higher Education 10 Sept. 2024,

How to Spot Fake News (IFLA)


IFLA has made this infographic with eight simple steps (based on’s 2016 article How to Spot Fake News)  to discover the verifiability of a given news-piece in front of you

Infographic listing 8 ways to spot fake news

Identifying Fake News

EasyBib recently posted, “10 Ways to Spot a Fake News Article,” which highlighted key items to look for on a website when determining its credibility. The infographic found below summarizes the content from the blog post and students can use it as a guide when using news sources in research. Post, print, or share it with your students or others!

Infographic listing 10 ways to evaluate news article for fake news

Ten Questions to ask for news detection for fake news

Point of View: Detecting Bias

Magazines, newspapers, broadcasters and organizations may have a reputation for being politically left or right. The mental model is a horizontal line with starting on the left with progressive, liberal, moderate or centerist, continuing right with conservative, ultra-conservative sources. They may be associated with a particular political party, religious movement, denomination, or be secular, or they may have a one-issue cause (environmentalists). Some media outlets readily acknowledge a bias while others have unacknowledged bias and still others strive to present a variety of viewpoints. Knowing the source’s reputation alerts the reader to bias in the information it provides. Attitude should not be confused with factual accuracy. 

Credit is given to Lakeland Community College Library for the creation of this document. 

Other Fact Checking Sites