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College Writing Library Guide: Find Articles

A guide for students in College Writing I and College Writing II

Go to Databases

The Library subscribes to numerous databases. Feel free to try them all.  Here are a few go to general Interdisciplinary databases to get you started.

Locating a Specific Journal or Magazine (Journals A-Z)

Use Journals A-Z to find full-text coverage for journals, magazines, or newspapers that we subscribe to.

Inter-Library Loan

4.39 minute video This video provides step by step directions on how to submit a interlibrary loan/ILLIAD request for a journal article.


Searching Library Databases from Off-Campus

This video provides information about locating and accessing databases from off-campus from the Manhattanville University Library. Created May 31, 2023 by Paula Moskowitz.
Video link:

Google Scholar Search & Library Links

Use Google Scholar to find scholarly sources.  Google Scholar is a convenient way to search across multiple databases simultaneously.  Look for the FullText@Mville links to locate availability in our Manhattanville University subscription databases. From off-campus, set Scholar Preferences to use Manhattanville as your library before searching.

Google Scholar Search
Link to video:

This 3-minute video provides instructions on how to use Google Scholar and how to set preferences for searching library databases. Created March 2020.

Locating Recent Sources/Journals

(3.24 Minute Video) Video Link: This tutorial provides several strategies for locating recent sources and how to update a particular source.

LGBTQ Magazines (Open Access)

  • The Advocate - Established in 1967, is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and focuses on news, politics, opinion, and arts and entertainment. 
  • LGBT History Month Magazine - LGBT History Month Magazine represents the diversity, sexual orientation, gender identity and the importance of equality and fairness. 
  • Outfront Magazine - Out Front is one of the oldest and largest LGBT media networks in the nation. 


Anatomy of a Scholarly Article and How to Read a Scholarly Article


Anatomy of a scholarly article with info on each part


How to Read a Scholarly Article (2.34 minute video) Western University Link:


How to read a scholarly article: Key reading strategies
(From: TUS Library-Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland)

Skipping around is encouraged when reading a scholarly article:

  • Begin by reading abstract
  • Skim the introduction and jump to the end to read the conclusion
  • Then, look at the results to view the data (graphs, charts, images, etc.)

Skimming these sections first will allow you to quickly determine if the article is relevant to your research and if you should do an in-depth reading.

Read the abstract first.
The abstract previews the entire article, makes it easier to judge whether it is relevant.

For the sciences:
•    Titles can only tell you so much about the content of the article. The Abstract acts as a preview for the entire article, including the methods and results. By reading the Abstract first, you can get a better idea of what the article is actually about, if it relates to what you are researching, and whether it is worth your time to read the rest of it.

For the humanities:
•    Articles in the Arts and Humanities do not always include an Abstract, and if they do, it might just be the first paragraph of the introduction. If not included, move onto the Introduction. Make sure to skim through the section headings, if they are there. This will give you an idea of the organization of the article as well as a general idea of themes.

Next, read the intro and the conclusion
Learn more about the topic of study and what the authors learned through their research.
Applies to both sciences and humanities:
•    These two sections give you the background information for the topic of the article as well as what happened in the study.
•    The introduction includes info about previous studies/papers that relate to the current one.
•    The conclusion will provide a summary of the the study findings or analysis and an explanation of how their research contributes to their specific field of study.
•    By reading the conclusion you see whether the study answered the original research question and what the authors see as the next steps in their research.

Take a look at results, i.e. tables, charts, graphs or images
Get a better idea of the results of the research or analytical study. 

For the sciences:
•    Closely look at the visual representations of the data. See what conclusions you come to and make note of them. When you read through the entire article, compare your own conclusions to what the authors saw in their results and data.

For the humanities:
•    The article may not present numeric data however, there might be other visual representations of what the scholars are studying. For example, reproductions of art pieces, or excerpts from primary sources or literary pieces.These are worth looking at to see the materials being studied.

Do an in-depth reading
Now that you have pre-read some of the article and are sure it relates to your research topic, do an in-depth reading. 

Applies to both sciences and humanities:
•    Read the article from start to finish.
•    Take notes.
•    Summarize sections or paragraphs.
•    Keep a subject dictionary or the Internet/Wikipedia close by. If you come across any unfamiliar terms, you can quickly look them up.  
•    Keep track of the citation information of the articles you do read and want to use in your research. Look at the References/Bibliography list. You may find additional scholarly articles related to your research. 


Reverse Oreo Method

Scholarly articles are structured in the reverse of an Oreo, meaning that the “good stuff” is on the outside: the Abstract, Introduction, the Discussion, and the Conclusion.

The “dry stuff” is on the inside of the article – the Methodology and the Results. A key point of the scientific method is that results must be able to be replicated to be valid, so Methodology shows exactly how the study might be reproduced, but sheds little light on the big picture, unless you are replicating the experiment. Statistical analysis in the Results are important, but is typically just the math verifying the significance of the result.  From

(From: TUS Library-Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland)


Tutorial: How to Read and Comprehend Scientific Research Articles (5.04 minutes) From: University of Minnesota Libraries Link:

Research Worksheet

Use this Worksheet to help you get started and focus your research.

What to Do with What You Find and What if You Don't Find What You are Looking For?

One Perfect Source student in front of computer with cat

Useful Popular Sources

Subject Guide

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Paula Moskowitz
Manhatttanville University Library
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577

Stop light Method to decide when to use a source

green = can safely use

yellow = use cautiously

red = don’t use

Traffic Light

Use stoplight method for decisions about whether to use sources in research