Example of a scholarly article:
Citation is a puzzle. You just need to put the parts of a citation in the right order. (This citation is in MLA Citation).
Citation Puzzle Graphic. "Citation Basics." APA Citation & Style Guide. Concordia University. 17
July 2017. http://libguides.cu-portland.edu/APA_style#. Accessed 14 Sept. 2017.
The parts of a scholarly journal article citation
Let's put together our own citation puzzle!
This video provides information on Academic Integrity as it applies to the Manhattanville University Academic Integrity Policy.
Use this Worksheet to help you get started and focus your research.
The Library subscribes to numerous databases. Feel free to try them all. Here are a few go to general Interdisciplinary databases to get you started.
Use Google Scholar to find scholarly sources. Google Scholar is a convenient way to search across multiple databases simultaneously. Look for the FullText@Mville links to locate availability in our Manhattanville University subscription databases. From off-campus, set Scholar Preferences to use Manhattanville as your library before searching.
This 3-minute video provides instructions on how to use Google Scholar and how to set preferences for searching library databases. Created March 2020.