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Library Strategic Plan (Pre-2023): Planning Framework

A page to describe library planning initiatives.

Guide content has been frozen


Content on this guide was frozen in Fall, 2022.  Strategic Plan tracking moved to an institution-wide software platform.

Academic Library Environment

Academic Library Functions

What does an academic library do?

A 2018 joint publication identified nine functional areas common to all academic libraries:  

  • Convene Campus Community: Provide spaces and facilitate programs for the community broadly or specific sub-populations to generate engagement, outreach, and inclusion.
  • Enable Academic Success: Support instruction, facilitate learning, improve information literacy, and/or maximize retention, progression, graduation, and later life success.
  • Facilitate Information Access: Enable discovery and usage of information resources of any format or ownership; provide for preservation of general collections.
  • Foster Scholarship and Creation: Deliver expertise, assistance, tools, and services that support research and creative work.
  • Include and Support Off-Campus Users: Provide equitable access for part-time students, distance and online learners, and other principally off-campus/non-campus/remote users.
  • Preserve and Promote Unique Collections: Ensure the long-term stewardship of rare materials and special collections, and maximize their usage.
  • Provide Study Space: Provide physical spaces for academic collaboration, quiet study, and technology-enhanced instruction and/or learning.
  • Showcase Scholarly Expertise: Promote research excellence and subject matter expertise of scholars and other affiliates; includes repository activities for open access preprint materials.
  • Transform Scholarly Publishing: Drive toward modernized formats, revamped business models, and reduced market concentration.
How do libraries add value? (excerpt, Academic Library Impact)
  • Support student/faculty/staff recruitment, retention, and development
  • Promote student success and contribute to improving graduation rates
  • ​Collaborate with faculty for successful teaching, scholarship and research
What are library challenges?
  • Reconnecting our community as direct impacts of the COVID pandemic subside
  • Declining budgets, rising prices
  • Unstable institutional revenue base, difficulty planning
  • Aging facilities and infrastructure, deferred maintenance
  • Meeting expectations for digital access in a vendor environment predominated by direct sales to end users
  • Lack of awareness/visibility among stakeholders
What are library opportunities?
  • Amazing raw materials

i. Talented, creative, energetic people
ii. Prime “real estate”
iii. Strong historical collections, ability to curate and tailor new acquisitions
iv. Technological expertise and capacity

  • Values that promote trust

i. Privacy
ii. Intellectual freedom
iii. Universal access

  • Make the online experience as satisfying as on-site

Manhattanville College Environment

Manhattanville College Library Environment